Joyce Neumann, MSN
Disclosures: Nothing to disclose - 09/17/2024


Joyce Neumann PhD, APRN, AOCN, HEC-C, FAAN is Clinical Ethicist in the Integrated Ethics in Cancer Care program and formerly Program Director in Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapy at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Major professional experience has been as advanced practice registered nurse in SCT and GVHD clinic and manager of nurse practitioners in Stem Cell Transplantation at MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC).  She has had 9 years of experience as a nurse educator at all levels of nursing programs.  She has served as an adjuvant ethicist and nurse consultant on the institutional Section of Integrated Ethics (over 15 years) and assumed the current role as clinical ethicist in March 2023.    

Professional presentations on topics of oncology nursing, ethics, SCT nursing and GVHD have been given nationally and internationally (Japan, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Korea, Philippines, Singapore, France, and Australia).   Research and publications focus has been on ethical issue in oncology care, SCT patients’ quality of life and experience, treatment for GVHD, and moral distress, compassion fatigue and burnout of SCT care providers. Principle investigator on a protocol with the National Marrow Donor Program examining the prevalence of work-related distress, work-life balance and career satisfaction among nurses, NP/PA, pharmacists, physicians, and social workers. She also plays a key role in the development of the Japanese Team Oncology Program, a US-Japan collaborative program since 2002, she serves as a US mentor and lecturer.  The program recently been expanded to other Asian countries and is inclusive of other healthcare professionals and cancer survivors.

Has received the Ethel Fleming Arceneaux Outstanding Nurse Oncologist award at MDACC in 2001, Clinical Excellence awards from Oncology Nursing Society in 2013 and American Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation (ASBMT) in 2017.

Dr.  Neumann received her BSN and MSN from DePaul University in Chicago, and PhD in Nursing Research from Texas Woman’s University in Houston.  She is certified as Advanced Oncology Certified Nursing and Healthcare Ethics Consultant-Certified. In 2020 she was inducted as a fellow in the American Academy of Nursing.